TEDxMadridSalon | Madrid, Spain


At the Puente de Colores, in San Cristóbal, Madrid, working alongside this unique spaces’ original designers, Basurama and TEAMLABS, we designed and built a portable backdrop for TEDxMadridSalon, using shippable materials and limited tooling in less than a week. I was responsible for designing the projection screen and developing the connection details found throughout our project.

With: Jessica Ayran, Fernanda Bernardes, Whitney Bush, Lujac Desautel, Joy Fu, Sara Haag, Pixie Kaminski, Gloria Asaba Kiiza, Leticia Murray, Brett Petty, Ernesto Preciado-Canez, Emily Rabin, Cole Shiflett, Anne Steeves, Anh Vu, Jonathan Woong, Jessica Zamora.

Professors: Mauricio Soto, Antje Steinmuller.

TEDxPhotos. TEDxVideo.
